Burger with the Lot with Steven Clavey

Burger with the Lot with Steven Clavey

What to do with your gynae patients who seem to have every single pattern of disharmony happening in their body all the same time? It’s like they’ve asked for a burger with the lot – and it has every. possible. ingredient. all piled in between the two halves of the bun.

This week we discussed some of the intricacies of treating gynae patients – women’s health and fertility. Some clinical gems including

  • some mini herb combos – triplets that are good for treating menopausal symptoms, depression, sinusitis

  • when Steve uses yi mu cao in doses as high as 30g

  • how he doses tian qi to deal with heavy bleeding

  • what he uses for patients with a subplacental hemorrhage

Steve Clavey is a master of Chinese herbal medicine, and runs a busy fertility and women’s health practice in Melbourne, Australia. He is the author of Fluid Physiology and Pathophysiology

Steve is an editor of the internationally regarded Chinese medicine journal The Lantern that is published 3 times a year. You can also read some of his Daoist translations and some of Steve’s other writings at https://thefatmonk.wordpress.com

We’d love to hear your comments and feedback on this episode. Please drop by our Facebook page to let us know what you think on this topic!

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