Chinese Medicine for Male Fertility with Peter Kington

Chinese Medicine for Male Fertility with Peter Kington

What’s your libido like on a scale of “can’t get enough” to “can I please have a cup of tea?”.

Male fertility is up for discussion this week and Peter Kington is just the man for the job.

When girls hit puberty, she is afforded many subsequent years to observe her menstrual cycle and to get a sense of any problems that might be present. However, when a boy hits puberty and starts to ejaculate with masturbation, there’s no feedback to let him know that his sperm is fine or that there’s any sperm there at all. Yet as Peter Kington so eloquently describes, it’s an assumption that almost every man (and society) makes, and it doesn’t necessarily get questioned even if a couple is suffering from fertility problems.

Peter has a keen interest in treating male fertility, not just from a clinical perspective, but also from a social point of view that by and large still places the “blame” with women and isolates men from the process. This is an in depth episode where we cover just about all there is to know about male fertility and getting the guys on board with treatment through to strategies that can be applied clinically.

Peter’s clinic is located in Brisbane, and he also lectures regularly across Australia and New Zealand. He will be presenting at IICMC Supercharge your Fertility Conference in Melbourne in November 2018.

We’d love to hear your comments and feedback on this episode. Please drop by our Facebook page to let us know what you think on this topic!

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